How Touch-A-Life Foundation is revolutionizing giving platforms using the ABCs of data
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How Touch-A-Life Foundation is revolutionizing giving platforms using the ABCs of data

The proliferation of big data in recent years has contributed to the rapid acceleration of next-generation, data-driven technologies. Three of these top technologies are AI, Blockchain, and the Cloud—which we can call the “ABCs” of data. Together, these technologies are transforming many industries with a myriad of applications, such as banks using AI and the blockchain to automate transactions with “smart contracts”, and healthcare organizations bringing their complex and fragmented systems to the cloud to enable real-time, centralized access to data. Another unique industry leveraging the ABCs of data is the non-profit sector. The Touch-A-Life Foundation is one such non-profit, transforming giving platforms with AI, blockchain and cloud technologies, called TALGiving. TALGiving is a new kind of giving platform, facilitating one-to-one connections between donors and recipients by leveraging technologies to disrupt the digital divide and connect those willing to give with those in need.

Transforming Giving platforms - TALGiving

Foundationally, TALGiving is similar to Solix’s Common Data Platform (CDP) which helps ingest, manage, govern, and analyze all of the data created and makes it easily accessible for users on mobile devices via cloud technologies. AI and blockchain technologies are built into the giving platform’s system to help facilitate the aforementioned one-on-one transactions: from generating a ledger to intelligently matching the donor with donee, whether they be individuals, corporates, or organizations.

So what’s this mean for the end-user? Donors of all types can easily upload a list of the resources they have available within a given area and to a specific audience, and track the donations every step of the way with built-in analytics. Individual donors can also earn “kindness points”, a social aspect of TALGiving that connects them with causes they care about. Recipients are able to quickly find the resources they need: from clothing to food, to educational and even housing assistance—all within minutes on their mobile device. Without the ABC’s of data, this next-generation, real-time approach to giving would not be possible.

The Touch-A-Life Foundation launched TALGiving in late 2019 to the bay area, in cooperation with the San Jose Unified School District, and so far has helped address many time-sensitive causes, such as providing blankets and hoodies to help children stay warm in the recent winter. If you are interested in trying out the TALGiving app, you can download it for iOS and Android devices by visiting

Touch-A-Life is also hosting a weekly radio program for the bay area on Radio Zindagi (1170 AM HD) called “Touch-A-Life: Make A Difference”, designed to inspire kindness and giving across the bay area community and talk about the future of giving platforms. To stream previous and future episodes, visit