24 Apr, 2024

Why tiered enterprise archiving is the killer app for Hadoop

A recent Gartner report estimates that 70% of Hadoop deployments in 2018 will fail to meet key objectives, citing skills and integration challenges. Apparently, many organizations are taking on Hadoop projects but fail to take them into full production, because they don’t have a clear roadmap or the skills necessary to complete them — eventually becoming pet projects. (more)

3 mins read

Enterprise application data tiering with Hadoop

With widespread digital transformation taking place in enterprises across the world, every CIO wants to know if their infrastructure will be able to handle the resulting data growth. In fact, Gartner in its research has presented that 47% of respondents ranked data growth as the #1 infrastructure challenge for data centers. When data sets become too large, application performance slows, and infrastructure struggles to keep up. Data growth drives increased cost, compliance, and complexity everywhere — including data center, performance, availability, maintenance, and even compliance. (more)

6 mins read

Are you ready for GDPR?

Are you ready for GDPR? Enforcement of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on May 25, 2018, and most companies are now launching projects to establish enterprise data management (EDM) control processes. Failure to comply with the list of new rules regarding data security and privacy will be costly as GDPR imposes strict fines and penalties for organizations found to be in non-compliance. (more)

2 mins read